Oregon Masonic Charitable Foundation
Golf Tournament
Thursday, July 17, 2025
Hosted at the Glendoveer Golf Course!
The Oregon Masonic Charitable Foundation invites you to play and participate in the 21st Annual Charitable Tournament to fund the Charities of Oregon Freemasonry.
Each dollar of aid given by Lodges to benefit Oregon communities may be matched with funds for the Foundation through the CAP or Creating a Partnership program.
In the past 20 years, this event has raised nearly $400,000 for Masonic charities in Oregon.
We invite you to share these sponsorship opportunities with your members as well. This event is one of Oregon’s largest Masonic charity fundraisers and you are encouraged to donate what you can.
The buttons above will lead you to register to play or to become an event sponsor. Contestants may enter teams of four, sign up for individual play, and renew old acquaintances or meet new friends.
Get your Lodge to sponsor a team and compete for the Lodge trophy.
For information or to donate, contact David Fryday, OMCF Golf Chairman
Phone: (503) 851-3283 or email: [email protected]