Oregon Masonic Charitable Foundation
Pro-Am Tournament
Friday, July 19, 2024
Now hosted at the Glendoveer Golf Course!
The Oregon Masonic Charitable Foundation is pleased to announce that the annual Charitable Golf Tournament has been accepted by the Oregon Professional Golf Association as a Charitable Tournament worthy of their participation.
This acceptance will bring some of the Northwest’s most recognized Oregon PGA Club Professionals to the tournament and share with the Amateur players in bringing public awareness of the OMCF and our goals.
The OPGA, represented by Dominic Marconi, will provide entry systems, website hosting, social media promotion, on-site live scoring, course officials, and the professional tournament awards.
Our host course, represented by Andrew Hein, Tournament Director for Glendoveer will provide their exquisite course, lunch, play, banquet, golf carts, amateur contest results, and assist in the promotion of the tournament.
The Pro-Am program format will allow the Amateur Teams to occasionally use the play of the professional in their scramble scoring, giving each foursome, a fifth and professional player to draw from.
Please consider reserving Friday, July 19, 2024, to play in this exciting new format for the Oregon Masonic Charitable Foundation Pro-Am Tournament at Glendoveer Golf Course.
The button above will lead you to the OPGA’s home site to register. Contestants may enter teams of four, sign up for individual play, and renew old acquaintances or meet new friends.
As usual, there will be an auction following the Banquet with a chance to “win” a trip, a great vacation, or that special item just for you, all this to help the Charities, we as Masons hold so dear.
Get your Lodge to sponsor a team and compete for the Lodge trophy.
Grant Sharp, OMCF Vice President and Golf Chairman
Email [email protected] with any questions.